Vendors & Volunteers
Do YOU want to be involved in the Wairarapa Balloon Festival? Take a look below at your options and support this fantastic iconic Wairarapa event!
We are always after volunteer superstars keen to work with us at the event ... there are a variety of roles from behind the scenes, assisting at various location over the Wairarapa.
Event Crew
To have a successful event we need volunteers to help behind the scenes, and at the various events held over Easter Weekend.
If you think you can assist, and would love to be part of the Wairarapa Balloon Festival then please click on the link at the bottom of the page.
Balloon Crew
Ever wondered what it would be like to be one of the people that help get these beautiful balloons in the air? Then why not join us as a balloon crew member and enjoy all the benefits! If you are fit, able and don’t mind an early start, you will be perfect. Crew members must be prepared to commit for the whole five days of the Festival.
Crewing is a vital part of the Festival
Being a Crew Member on a hot air balloon is a fantastic way to be involved in a really great sport and community event. Those who have volunteered in past years love it and come back each year. If you haven't crewed before, you don't know what you're missing out on!
Crews are a vital part of the Wairarapa Balloon Festival. It's 5 fun-filled, hardworking, action packed days. It's a chance to make new and lasting friendships and lots of memories. The beautiful and colourful sights in the sky delight, and awe the young and the young at heart. A dedicated ground crew of two to six people for each balloon is needed to make every flight a success, which is why we need YOU!
Crew Responsibilities
The crews #1 job is to assist the Pilot and Crew Chief
Local volunteer crew members will be assigned to a pilot for the duration of the Festival
Setting up the balloon, helping to make sure the basket is arranged and stocked with those things the pilot likes to take along, and to help achieve a safe lift off
The crew take the chase vehicle and follow the balloon for an hour or so, to it's landing site
When the pilot has located a nice field for landing, the crew will be informed (usually by radio)
The goal of the crew is to have the vehicle at the landing field before the pilot lands, and in enough time to assist with the landing operation
It is fairly straight forward, most of the time! Crew tasks are often explained as 90% common sense, and 10% training. Every task the crew performs has a reason for why it is done a certain way, and once that reason is discovered, it makes perfect sense. The trick to learning is to ask lots of questions. All crew volunteers are required to attend a training session prior to the event.

Supporting The Festival
Do YOU want to be involved in the Wairarapa Balloon Festival?
Take a look at your options and support this fantastic iconic Wairarapa event. Click on the link below: